UncategorizedWhen Can I Sue for an Accidental Drowning?

June 6, 2019

When Can I Sue for an Accidental Drowning?

The death of a beloved family member in an accidental drowning is a tragedy, and you are surely suffering tremendous grief if this has happened to your family. When a drowning accident could have been averted if not for the carelessness of someone else, you may be able to sue for the loss of your loved one.

Sometimes an accident will happen, and there’s nothing anyone could have done to prevent it, but sometimes an accident could have been avoided if more care had been taken. You may not know who is responsible for a drowning accident, so here is some more information on liability in drowning accident cases.

Who May Be Liable for an Accidental Drowning in Virginia

Drowning deaths can happen under many different circumstances. Not every death is caused by negligence, but many of them are. For example, if you and your family were on a boat and the drowning occurred because of negligent boating, you could be able to sue the boat operator or the company that ran the boating business.

What about when a drowning occurred at a neighbor’s pool? If the neighbor was negligent in securing the pool or their yard, it’s possible they can be held legally responsible for that negligence.

Drowning accidents often occur at city pools or public beaches. The government may be liable if negligence was found to have played a role in the drowning—for instance, if the beach didn’t have any signs that warned there were no lifeguards or didn’t warn about dangerous tides.

Can You Prevent Drowning Accidents from Happening?

Most drowning accidents can be prevented with proper care and water safety education. Sometimes, though, even when safety procedures are in place, drowning accidents can still occur. If you’ve lost a loved one in a drowning accident and you think someone’s negligence was involved, you can file a claim against those responsible.

Why File a Claim for a Drowning Accident?

There are many good reasons to file a claim for drowning negligence.

Your claim could protect other people from drowning injuries and death. Your claim can provide justice for a lost loved one. It can also provide monetary compensation for you and your family. You can use the money from a wrongful death settlement to pay for funeral and burial costs, medical expenses, and other losses.

Get in Touch with a Lawyer for Help with a Drowning Death Claim

It’s a good idea to partner with a wrongful death lawyer for assistance with your claim. Proving liability can be a challenge in drowning accident cases. A lawyer can increase the chances of your claim obtaining a successful resolution. Although your claim can’t bring your family member back to you, it can help to put laws in place that protect others from harm.

To receive a free case review, make the call to a drowning accident lawyer at Halperin Law Center. Dial 804-527-0100 or fill out and send in the online submission form located at the bottom of this page.


Whether you’ve been involved in an auto accident, a civil rights violation, or a personal injury, you can rest assured knowing a top-rate Richmond lawyer at Halperin Law Center will give you personalized attention, guidance, and support you deserve. We work tirelessly to help win the compensation and justice you deserve in your case.


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