Practice AreasVirginia Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing Home Abuse Claims

Have you or a loved one suffered injuries or death at the hands of a nursing home employee or facility? Let a nursing home abuse lawyer in Virginia review your case today.

Abuse that occurs in nursing homes has the potential to cause major disruptions in the life of you or a loved one. From financial losses related to medical treatment to the emotional toll, suffering abuse in a nursing home is never simple. However, recovery could be within reach. A Virginia nursing home lawyer from the Halperin Law Center can help you in the fight for rightful compensation.

The Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

If you suspect that your loved one could be suffering nursing home abuse, it’s important that you take all steps to ensure their immediate safety. 

Often, victims of nursing home abuse or neglect show outward signs of their abuse. Some things to look for include: 

  • Cuts or bruises
  • Sores
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Social isolation or withdrawal
  • Personality changes
  • Cuts or bruises
  • Dehydration
  • Unexplained charges or monetary withdrawals
  • Marks on the wrist from use of restraints

After ensuring your loved one’s immediate safety, document the signs of abuse by taking them to a trusted medical professional for an assessment. You should also record signs of environmental neglect by taking pictures of things like unclean or unsafe living arrangements.

 If need be, a report can be filed with the Virginia Department of Health regarding unsanitary conditions. 

Finally, consulting an experienced Virginia nursing home abuse lawyer can help you take decisive action for civil remedy. 

Recovering Damages for Nursing Home Abuse in Virginia

Once you feel you have a compelling claim for abuse, you can file a claim directly with the individuals or nursing home facility responsible for your loved ones’ care. In civil litigation, some reasons you can allege for filing a claim include emotional, physical, financial, or sexual abuse

In cases of abuse, the sorts of remedies available can vary. Some of the compensatory damages that you may be awarded include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Psychiatric care
  • Lost income
  • Emotional damages and other non-economic damages
  • Punitive damages

Filing a Claim for Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

The process of filing a claim and receiving any potential compensation, or damages, can depend entirely on the participation of the at-fault party. In many cases, nursing home abuse cases can be resolved directly with the responsible parties out of court. 

However, sometimes, it may be necessary to take the step of lodging a formal lawsuit in order to negotiate for the compensation, or damages, you and your family deserve. Regardless of whether your case can be settled in court or out, an experienced nursing home abuse lawyer will fight for your best interests.

Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer in Virginia

Tackling nursing home abuse cases requires compassion, empathy, and a wealth of knowledge and resources. At the Halperin Law Center, we can help you and your loved one receive maximum compensation for your losses. 

Call 804-527-0100 or fill out the form below to get started with a free consultation with a Virginia nursing home abuse lawyer from the Halperin Law Center today.

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