UncategorizedRichmond PTSD Lawyer

May 4, 2018

Richmond PTSD Lawyer

Accidents cause many negative effects for victims in addition to serious injuries and financial losses. Work with a Richmond post-traumatic stress disorder attorney from our firm to see that your mental trauma is also accounted for in your claim.

When you’ve been injured in an accident, you will likely suffer physical injuries, medical expenses, lost income, and other losses. One important side effect of accidents that some people forget to include in their injury claims is the mental suffering they experience. Serious trauma can result from an accident, and you deserve to be compensated for it.

It’s easy to add up the financial expenses your accident caused you, but calculating the negative experience itself is not always so easy. When you partner with a Richmond PTSD lawyer at Halperin Law Center, you can rest assured that all the negative issues this accident and your injuries have brought to your life will be accounted for.

How Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Affects Your Life

Many people think that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) only affects people who have experienced war or violence, but that’s a misconception. PTSD is a type of mental health issue that follows a traumatic experience of any kind. It’s characterized by negative feelings, bad dreams, stress, and anxiety following the traumatic experience.

Most people who’ve been in an accident will experience at least a mild form of PTSD. You could be having nightmares about the accident; you could be dealing with fear related to the accident; you could be anxious and stressed about anything like this happening to you again.

For some, PTSD can linger for a long time following an accident and can really negatively impact your life. Your Richmond post-traumatic stress attorney will work to see that you are adequately compensated for the negative mental trauma you’ve suffered.

Including PTSD in Your Richmond Injury Claim

When adding up all of the losses your accident has caused you, PTSD and other mental health issues should be included in your claim. Though it’s difficult to put a price tag on trauma and anguish, it is possible to do.

Your Richmond mental anguish attorney can work with you to come up with a settlement you believe accounts for your financial losses, such as medical expenses and lost income, and the mental distress of this experience.

Make the Call to a PTSD Attorney in Richmond, Virginia

Sometimes the trauma that follows an accident can be worse than the accident itself. The person who made you suffer so greatly must be held accountable for what they put you through. Filing an injury claim can be overwhelming, especially when you’re already dealing with mental issues due to a serious accident.

A Richmond PTSD lawyer can assist you in doing everything possible to win your accident claim while you focus on your mental health. Get in touch with an attorney at Halperin Law Center now. Tell us about your experience and your goals—we are sure we can help. Dial 804-527-0100 or send in the internet form below and receive a free case assessment.


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Whether you’ve been involved in an auto accident, a civil rights violation, or a personal injury, you can rest assured knowing a top-rate Richmond lawyer at Halperin Law Center will give you personalized attention, guidance, and support you deserve. We work tirelessly to help win the compensation and justice you deserve in your case.


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