UncategorizedDangerous Intersections in Richmond

December 3, 2019

Dangerous Intersections in Richmond 

If you live in Richmond, Virginia, you know that it’s a great city overall. No city is perfect, though, and you can be injured when you leave your home. People are commonly injured in Richmond car accidents. Car accidents happen every day, but most of them can be prevented.

Chances are, some human made a mistake that led to a collision. That’s how most car accidents occur. Sure, weather can cause some accidents, but these accidents, too, could be prevented if better drainage, lighting, and other adjustments were made to accommodate rainy conditions.

Dangerous Intersections

One place on Richmond’s roads that often causes accidents is the intersection. Intersections are designed to regulate the flow of traffic in as safe a manner as possible. Regretfully, the intersection is not always carefully designed. Poor sight lines, poorly timed lights, too many lanes, and other issues could lead to collisions.

The government is typically responsible for maintaining Richmond’s roads. In some cases, the government can be held liable for accidents that occur due to dangerous intersections. Understanding the dangers that intersections pose can help you avoid these dangers and thus avoid an accident. 

Here are some of the common design flaws that make intersections so dangerous.

Poorly Timed Lights

Poorly timed lights often cause vehicle accidents. When a light changes from green to yellow to red too quickly, this can cause accidents for obvious reasons. Additionally, there should be a short delay after a light turns red before the light turns green for cross traffic. 

Poor Sight Lines

Sight lines are important at an intersection. If you can’t see cars coming, you won’t be able to avoid them. 

For instance, if you are turning left in an intersection at an unprotected light, you might decide to travel through the intersection if you don’t see any cars coming. If sight lines are poor, you might not be able to see a car coming before it smashes into you, even though you looked before turning left. 

Uneven Roads

Roads can be uneven for various reasons. Poor construction is one reason. If roads are uneven, this can lead to poor sight lines. It can also cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles and crash. It’s important to maintain roads, to keep them free of potholes and other hazards.

Odd or Confusing Angles

Some intersections are large, with more than four roads intersecting. Many roads coming together at one point means a lot of traffic and confusing angles. It could be tough for you to watch all of those different angles, and an accident could result.

Dangerous Intersections Located in Richmond

Here are a few examples of dangerous intersections in Richmond, VA.

Broad Rock Road and Warwick Road

Laburnum Road and Hermitage Road

Belvidere Street and Leigh Street

Call a Car Accident Lawyer for Help with a Claim

If you have already been injured, whether because of a dangerous intersection or for some other reason, you can file a claim against the person who caused your injury. Learn more about filing a claim by talking to a Richmond car accident lawyer in a free case review. Dial 804-527-0100 or complete the form below to reach Halperin Law Center.


Whether you’ve been involved in an auto accident, a civil rights violation, or a personal injury, you can rest assured knowing a top-rate Richmond lawyer at Halperin Law Center will give you personalized attention, guidance, and support you deserve. We work tirelessly to help win the compensation and justice you deserve in your case.


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