UncategorizedCan You Sue a Minor for an Injury in Virginia?

January 14, 2020

Can You Sue a Minor for an Injury in Virginia? 

You might have thought that children were innocent—until you were hurt by one, that is. Sometimes, kids can commit acts that lead to other people being harmed. If you’ve been hurt by someone under the age of eighteen, you might be wondering whether you can sue the minor for your injuries and damages.

Good news: In some cases, you could sue the minor or their parents for the injuries and losses you sustained. A lawyer can help you work out whether you have a case and who you can sue. It’s always best to talk to a top-rated personal injury lawyer at our firm about how to go about filing your claim.

Learn more about when a minor or their parents could be held liable for your injuries and losses.

When to Sue for an Injury Caused by a Minor

Minors can cause people to be hurt, and they can sometimes be held accountable for their actions in criminal and/or civil court

For example, if you are injured in a car accident initiated by a sixteen-year-old driver, you could file a claim against the sixteen-year-old driver. Most likely, you will be going through the insurance company that insures the driver for recovery of your losses.

What if a minor assaults you? You could possibly sue the minor and the minor’s parents for payment of your damages.

There are many circumstances in which a minor or their parents could be held liable for your injuries and damages. You should talk to your Virginia injury attorney about when you can sue and how much you stand to gain.

Compensation for Your Accident

What’s the purpose of filing an injury claim when a minor harms you? One, your claim could ensure that the minor learns a lesson and doesn’t go around hurting others. Two, your claim could bring you the monetary compensation you need to overcome your accident, injuries, and losses.

Your accident could have caused you extensive physical injuries that required expensive medical treatment. Your accident and injuries could have caused you to miss out on work wages. You could even be dealing with permanent injury and mental trauma associated with your accident.

You should receive financial compensation to make things right. Some damages you could be paid for include the following:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages, including lost future wages
  • Lost life enjoyment
  • Medical care costs
  • Permanent injury/disability
  • Scarring/disfigurement
  • Mental trauma
  • Costs of mental health treatment
  • Property damage

Speak with a Top-Rated Virginia Injury Attorney

When you’ve been injured in an accident caused by someone else, you deserve justice. Whether your accident was caused by a minor or an adult, you may be able to sue for damages. To find out more about the personal injury laws in Virginia, you’re best served by talking to a Virginia personal injury lawyer at our firm.

A lawyer can help you figure out who is responsible for your accident and damages. Call Halperin Law Center at 804-527-0100, or send in the internet form below. The case consultation is free.


Whether you’ve been involved in an auto accident, a civil rights violation, or a personal injury, you can rest assured knowing a top-rate Richmond lawyer at Halperin Law Center will give you personalized attention, guidance, and support you deserve. We work tirelessly to help win the compensation and justice you deserve in your case.


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