UncategorizedCan I Sue for Cancer Related to Roundup Use?

June 27, 2019

Can I Sue for Cancer Related to Roundup Use? 

Unfortunately, the weed killer called Roundup has been found to be harmful in some situations. Exposure to chemicals can lead to many negative health issues. Exposure to hazardous chemicals over a prolonged period of time can even lead to cancer. Cancer can cause tremendous health issues, negatively impacting your day-to-day life, and can even lead to death in some cases. 

Roundup weed killer has been demonstrated to contain harmful chemicals. If you believe that your cancer was caused by Roundup or by another dangerous substance, you may be able to sue for the harm you’ve experienced.

Why Sue for Detrimental Health Effects Caused by Roundup?

Many people who used Roundup have come down with cancer. Cancer is treatable in some situations, but the medical treatment is extremely expensive. The makers of Roundup can be held legally responsible if you can prove that your adverse health conditions were caused by the weed killer Roundup. 

You might be looking into suing because you’ve suffered due to this product. When you win a lawsuit related to Roundup or another dangerous product, you could be awarded financial compensation for everything you’ve been through. You probably have extensive losses related to your chemical exposure.

You could have medical bills, lost income, pain, trauma, and loss of life enjoyment. Your family has probably also been impacted by your illness. Those who caused your suffering should be made to pay for it. Manufacturers of dangerous products can and should be held liable for the way their products have impacted your health.

Your lawsuit might also lead to changes in laws that can protect others in the future from dangerous products like Roundup.

How a Lawyer Can Help with Your Roundup Lawsuit

If you choose to partner with a lawyer when filing your case against the manufacturer of Roundup, you will likely be happy that you did. Your lawyer might be able to help you prove that this product caused you serious negative health issues. 

They can also help you to calculate your losses so you can be sure you’re getting the compensation owed to you for your suffering and damages.

In addition, your attorney can advise you on whether you should settle your case or take your case to trial. Going to court on your own can be intimidating. You will probably feel better having an experienced attorney in your corner during this difficult process.

Get in Contact with a Product Liability Lawyer

The manufacturers of dangerous products must be held to high safety standards. The public trusts these manufacturers to create safe products that won’t cause adverse health effects. When a manufacturing company violates that trust, they should be held legally accountable. 

Filing a personal injury claim against a major manufacturing company is no easy task. You don’t have to go through this process alone. You have enough to deal with, and you should probably remain focused on recovering your health. 

Consider allowing a top-rated attorney at our firm to assist you in bringing your claim against the manufacturer of Roundup. Call Halperin Law Center at 804-527-0100 to receive a free case evaluation. You can also fill out and send in the online case consultation form on this web page.


Whether you’ve been involved in an auto accident, a civil rights violation, or a personal injury, you can rest assured knowing a top-rate Richmond lawyer at Halperin Law Center will give you personalized attention, guidance, and support you deserve. We work tirelessly to help win the compensation and justice you deserve in your case.


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