UncategorizedBike Accident FAQ

May 23, 2021

Bike Accident FAQ

When someone else is responsible for causing your injuries on a bike, you have to take action if you’re going to get justice and compensation. 

Although filing a bike accident claim can help you pursue financial compensation from the at-fault party, it’s not always as easy as many people think. Read on to learn more about some of the most commonly asked questions in bike accident cases, and contact a bike accident lawyer from Halperin Law Center for help with your claim. 

Common Bike Accident Questions

Nothing replaces the help of individualized legal counsel, but reading about some of the most common questions many have after a bike accident can help you get started. Catch our bike accident FAQ below:

What Kind of Compensation or Damages Can I Recover in a Claim? – This depends on the nature and severity of the injuries you suffer. You can potentially recover both economic damages—such as medical bills and lost income—as well as non-economic damages, such as for pain and suffering or emotional trauma. 

What Kind of Evidence Can I Use to Prove My Claim? – Any sort of evidence that points to your injuries being real and someone else having caused them can be helpful. Physical evidence, such as pictures, witness statements, and even your broken bike can be useful. However, official documents such as police reports, medical records, and similar files can also play a big role. 

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim? – In Virginia, the state statute of limitations on recovery for personal injury claims is two years from the date of your accident. In some situations, this deadline could be extended.

Do I Need to Go to Court? – It’s often possible for you to settle your claim out of court directly with the insurance company representing the responsible party. However, when negotiations are at an impasse and it seems impossible to get the compensation you deserve, an experienced bike accident lawyer can help you prepare for a trial setting.

Contact a Bike Accident Lawyer Today

Have you been injured in a bike accident? A top-rated bike accident lawyer from Halperin Law Center can help you get your questions answered for free. 

Call 804-527-0100 or fill out the form below to get started today.



Whether you’ve been involved in an auto accident, a civil rights violation, or a personal injury, you can rest assured knowing a top-rate Richmond lawyer at Halperin Law Center will give you personalized attention, guidance, and support you deserve. We work tirelessly to help win the compensation and justice you deserve in your case.


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