When a dog bite leaves you with serious injuries, you might be considering all your options. Read below to discover if you can sue for a dog bite in Virginia.
Even though dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend, the dangers of being bitten, charged, or otherwise injured by one are well documented. The potential exists for you to suffer a dog bite attack while visiting your friend or neighbor’s house, walking down the street, or taking a stroll through the park.
After sustaining a dog bite injury, you might be wondering if you can collect damages for your injuries by way of a lawsuit. The answer is “yes,” although Virginia law can possibly complicate the process by excluding some dog bite victims.
This is because the state of Virginia observes something known as the “one-bite rule.” Under this rule, the allegedly aggressive dog’s owner must be aware of at least one other instance of aggression or biting in order to be held liable in a civil action for the victim’s damages.
In other states with strict liability for dog bites, owners can be held liable even if they were not aware of a dog’s previous biting or aggression.
The upshot: Proving the owner had previous knowledge of their dog’s aggressive tendencies can allow you recover damages for a dog bite or other attack, such as money for medical bills or emotional trauma.
Virginia’s one-bite rule can make your dog bite lawsuit complicated. Why not consult a trusted dog bite lawyer? At the Halperin Law Center, our top-rated personal injury lawyers can help you get a maximum settlement for your dog bite injuries.
Call 804-527-0100 or fill out the form below to speak with a Richmond dog bite lawyer at Halperin Law Center and schedule your free consultation.